Muscatine County Fair Book - Division E-3 Open Rabbit

Division E-3 Open Rabbit

Check-In Time

Exhibitors are to enter fairgrounds at south gate


Superintendent: Dennis Weih, Muscatine,563-357-5785, Show Secretary: Mike Avesing, 2092 Bayfield Road, Muscatine, IA 52761, (563)263-5959, [email protected]

Show Time

Sunday, July 21 at 8:30am In large show ring (south end of fairgrounds)


Mike Avesing, Muscatine, IA, John Grimm, Manchester, IA, Eric Mixdorf


  • BEST IN SHOW (OPEN) – $10.00
  • BEST 6 CLASS (OPEN) – $5.00
  • BEST 4 CLASS (OPEN) – $5.00
  • BEST IN SHOW (YOUTH) – $10.00
  • BEST 6 CLASS (YOUTH) – $5.00
  • BEST 4 CLASS (YOUTH) – $5.00



Official A.R.B.A. Sanctioned Show
Eric Stewart, Executive Director
P.O. Box 400 Knox, PA 16232
Dues: Open $20 & Youth $12 & H/W $30

Entry Fees- Single Rabbit- $2.00
Fur- $1.00
Meat Pens & Single Fryers- $2.50
Make checks payable to Mississippi Valley RBA

Iowa State RBA Sanctioned Show Dues: (Send to Cindy Bellmann 13186 Sherrill Rd, Dubuque, IA 52002)
Open $10
Youth $6
Two Parties- Same Address $13
Family $13 + $2.50 for each youth

ARBA National Convention in: Louisville, KY Oct. 26-30, 2024

Sanctioned Breeds:
• Beveren O
• English Sports O
• Florida White O & Y
• Himalayans O
• Mini Lop O & Y
• Mini Rex O
• Mini Satin O
• New Zealand O
• Polish O & Y
• Satin O
• Rex O
Any breed with 10 or more shown this year will be sanctioned next year.

Note: Your breed does not have to be “sanctioned” for you to exhibit your rabbits in that particular breed at this show. The term “sanctioned” means that if you belong to the breed specialty club, you will earn points in the breed specialty club sweepstakes contest at this show.

This show will be a “Day of Show Entry” Show!!!

Equipment Supplier: Wolfe’s Animal Supply 515-285-6929 or 515-556-5123 for pre-orders.

1. Muscatine County Fair being a member of the ARBA, this show will be governed by the latest rules of the ARBA and the filing of entry indicates acceptance of these rules and those rules listed below.
2. Entry fees: Single rabbit $2; Fur $1; Meat pens & Single Fryers $2.50
3. Fur entries that do not specify class will be placed in Breed Fur. No rabbit shall be entered in Fur Class unless entered in regular class.
4. This Association will not be responsible for loss from fire, theft, accidents or provincial destruction. Every precaution will be taken to prevent same.
5. Judging will begin promptly at 8:30 a.m. Starting Breeds: Dutch, Satins, Mini-Rex & Meat Pen & Single Fryer. Rabbits may leave show room when judging of that Breed is completed.
6. This Association reserves the right to substitute judges or add judges as conditions may require.
7. No rabbits will be accepted unless they are permanently ear marked and must be the bonafide property of the exhibitor.
8. This Association reserves the right to reject any entries from any exhibitor and any specimen showing signs of disease will be excluded from the show room.
9. No one except the owner, judges and show officials will be allowed to handle animals.
10. A licensed ARBA Registrar will be on hand to register your rabbits. Bring you pedigrees and ARBA membership card.
11. Ribbons will be given through third place. None will be mailed.
12. All fur class entries must be entered in their regular class.
13. No class money will be paid.
14. Youth judging will follow the open judging of each breed as it is called.
15. All open show rules will apply to the youth show.
16. Rabbits must be shown and brought to table for judging by the youth owner or another youth exhibitor
17. No ear number or class changes will be allowed at the show table.
18. All sanctioned breeds will receive a Rosette for Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex.
19. Any breed with 10 or more shown will be Sanctioned for next year’s show.

Open Show- Open to anyone

Meat Pens

3 rabbits of same breed & variety not over 69 days of age or five and one-half (5.5) pounds each.
1st-35% 2nd-25% 3rd-15% (% of entry money)

Single Fryers
Any rabbit not over 69 days of age or five and one-half(5.5) pounds each.
1st-35% 2nd-25% 3rd-15% (% of entry)

All sanctioned breeds will receive a rosette for Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex providing 10 or more were shown in the breed last year.

Youth Show
Open to youth 18 years of age and under

Meat Pens
3 rabbits of the same breed and variety, not over 69 days of age or five and half (5.5) pounds each.
1st-35% 2nd-25% 3rd-15% (% of entry)

Single Fryers
Any rabbit not over 69 days of age or five and one-half (5.5) pounds.
1st-35% 2nd-25% 3rd-15% (% of entry)

BEST IN SHOW (OPEN)…………$10.00
BEST 6 CLASS (OPEN)………$5.00
BEST 4 CLASS (OPEN)………$5.00
BEST IN SHOW (YOUTH)………..$10.00
BEST 6 CLASS (YOUTH)……………………$5.00
BEST 4 CLASS (YOUTH)………………… $5.00

Presets Color
