Muscatine County Fair Book - Bacon Buddies

Bacon Buddies

Check-In Time

Participants @ 1:00 pm, Mentors @ 2:00 pm

Show Time

July 18th @ 3:30 pm


To be determined

Creating connections

Bacon Buddies® gives individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (Buddies) the opportunity to take a pig into the show ring. Their mentors include 4-H and FFA youth who have volunteered to share their show ring experience.



Bacon Buddies is for people with an intellectual and/or developmental disability who are 10 years or older. Each participant will be paired with two youth mentors and a pig.

Bacon Buddies® participants will have the opportunity to experience showing a pig. The judge will assess how the mentors, Buddy, and pig work together. A fair ribbon, t-shirt, and admission ticket for entrance into the County Fair will be provided.

Show attire: Closed-toe shoes, long pants, and Bacon Buddies® T-shirt

PLEASE NOTE: There are a variety of activities, lights, and sounds at the Muscatine County Fair and in the Swine Barn. Please bring any calming or auditory devices necessary to enhance this opportunity for your participant. Parents and/or guests are encouraged to watch the show from the bleachers but will not be allowed in the show ring during the event.

Download Participant Form

Youth Mentors

As a Youth Mentor, 4-H and FFA Members will be partnered with a person with an intellectual and/or developmental disability to teach them about exhibiting a pig.  All youth mentors will receive a T-shirt.

Youth Mentor expectations:

  • 4-H/FFA youth mentor must be age 12 or older
  • Arrive on time and dressed in appropriate show attire, including Bacon Buddies® T-shirt
  • Buddy will exhibit pig during the event, and youth mentor will assist
  • Bacon Buddy and Mentor pairings will be assigned by Bacon Buddies® committee
  • Stay for the entire Bacon Buddies® event and show
Download Youth Mentor Form


This program also allows the next generation of pig farmers to give back to their communities while giving an opportunity to community athletes. An event like this requires many hands to provide a great experience for participants, so please complete the volunteer form and join us!

Download Volunteer Form


1:00-1:10 pm: Buddies check-in at the 4-H Activities Building
1:15-1:45 pm: Buddies swine orientation
2:00 pm: Mentors check in at small show ring
2:00 pm: Meet and greet with Buddies
2:10 pm: Group picture
2:15 – 3:15 pm: Introduce Buddy to pig and show them how to walk, bath, and feed the pig
3:15 – 3:30 pm: Snack break
3:30 – 4:30 pm: Bacon Buddies® Swine Show

QUESTIONS?  Please email: Meaghan Peters at [email protected]

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